Saturday, September 19, 2009

Passion for Fashion... Does it make women inferior?

I admit it, I have a insane love of dressing well. My mom raised my sister and I with the motto of "always leave the house looking like someone loves you". So even now its hard for me to leave my house without looking presentable. When I started attending an HBCU and once I was old enough to get into the club (19 to enter in AL), my sister and I started a new motto for ourselves, "There's nothing wrong with being the best dressed woman in the room." So as you can guess, my sense of style became more grandiose. But in a recent conversation with a male teacher it was brought to my attention that to men it makes them perceive us as shallow, and inferior. Obviously a woman who likes to look well must have nothing but hot air between their ears.

He even went on to say, that the way some females dress is the reason why women and men would never be equal. Saying that women's love for frivolous things is the main reason women won't be treated as equals. As if all the things that men buy are of grave importance. But looking at the way some women dress, showing way too much skin, or outfits that don't compliment their bodies, I can see how they could look at us and think lesser. Why dress in a way that incites lust, and makes them see us only as pussy, then turn around and say, "you have to treat me equally and with respect". That's like an illiterate and ignorant man telling me he's my superior. I would probably laugh in his face, and know he doesn't understand that I am laughing at him, and that would make me laugh even harder.

So this made me think of men I dated, and although I know they appreciate the way in which I wrap myself, but I also know they were most likely unwrapping me mentally. Has this made me stop dressing up? No. But its made me want to think of the way women dress from my female view of world. I know that since the feminine rights movement for equality, women should be burnings bras and show any man that wants to subjugate us, that we are just as manly as them. After all, we want to be treated equal.

Honestly I have always viewed women as better then men. Not just because I am a woman, but because we have more then men. And coming after man, God was able to perfect His creation of mankind. Why should I settled for equal, when I believe I deserve better. I like this little anecdote of why women have superior worth. Let's go back to the garden of Eden, which was paradise, but even God saw that after giving Adam paradise, it still wasn't enough. So God gave Eve to Adam, and then Adam goes on to give up paradise for Eve. I think of this every time some one wants to tell me that women are inferior.

But what do you girls think? Do you think that the way we dress although it makes us feel alluring and confident, legitimize men thinking we are inferior? Keeping in mind that men are simple creatures ( just kidding men), do you think it is possible for men to see an alluring woman and subtract nothing from her because of the way she dresses? Should the things that women buy for ourselves make us lesser? Has the way you dressed or looked ever made a man treat you negatively? What did you learn from that situation?

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